Current Staff


Apostles employs a full-time rector. The rector provides oversight for the whole congregation, staff, Vestry, worship music and liturgy, candidates for ordination, serving the Bishop and Diocese as requested, oversight for pastoral care in baptisms, weddings, and funerals, and oversight for discipleship, mission, and community. 

Assistant Priest

Our assistant priest is responsible for pastoral care needs of the congregation and shared liturgical responsibilities at Sunday services.


In collaboration with the Rector, the organist is responsible for music in the traditional service.

Worship Leader

Also in collaboration with the Rector, the part-time worship leader is responsible for music at the contemporary service.

Youth and Young Adult/Families Pastor

Responsible for youth and young adult/family ministries, the part-time youth and young adult/families pastor focuses on community, missional, and pastoral care of these sub demographics.

Children’s Pastor

The part-time children’s pastor is responsible for coordinating nursery care on Sundays and leads the Children’s Chapel at the contemporary service, and some special events during the year. 

Parish Administrator

The part-time Parish Administrator is responsible for managing the church office, the calendar, website, Sharefaith ministry app, answering the phone, interacting with parishioners, production of Sunday and special event print materials, and assisting Rector as needed. 

Financial Administrator

Responsible for bookkeeping, the part-time Financial Administrator manages deposits, paying bills, producing monthly financial reports to the Vestry, attending monthly meetings with the Vestry’s Finance Committee, and record keeping for staff employment and church accounts.